Friday, September 4, 2009

Day 22, Getting more Jungle Juice, Cameron Highlands, Malaysia

Lizard that luckily moved before my foot was planted on it

In the jungle I'm torn in two. One part of me loves the whole nature thing, with the possibility of seeing some amazing wildlife or a spectacular waterfall scene or something. But the other half is terrified, in the back of my head I can not stop thinking about snakes, leeches and who knows what attacking me when I least expect it. This almost came true, except it was the above lizard which was pretty harmless. I've just got to remember that most creatures are a lot more scared of me then I am of them....

1 comment:

  1. Snakes actually aren't scared of humans much at all. You should be afraid. VERY AFRAID.

    They like to sleep in shoes.

    And collars.

    And underwear.

    Next time you reach down for a quick rub of the old sausage, be very, very careful.
